Hi! It's nice that you are there! In this article, you will find an idea for a workshop inspired by the traveler kit from the DIY costume collection. It includes: a hat, compass, binoculars and a notebook, you can see it HERE. You can treat the following workshops as developing the costume with another element, or as completely independent activities. The topic of the workshop will be the clock! This is a good opportunity to learn to read time, but also a pretext for a deeper conversation about what time is, why is it so valuable? What does it mean well or badly used time? Why do adults often "don't have time"? P.s. From our own experience, we can tell you in advance that these workshops are also very useful for us, parents. Have fun and have a good time!
1. You will need rubber to make the band (of course, if necessary, you can change the material to paper, ribbon, etc.). The rubber will be perfect because it will guarantee easy and trouble-free taking off and putting on the watch on your wrist. Sew both ends of the gum, setting the appropriate length beforehand so that it is comfortable and does not put pressure on the wrist. It is a good opportunity to meet the needle and thread for the first time, if your children have not had the opportunity to try sewing before. Remember that sewing does not have to be perfect, in the end it will be covered by the watch.
2. When the band is ready, it's time to take care of the shield! You can use the Traveler packaging for this (nothing will be wasted! Bravo!). If you don't have a box, find another piece of cardboard or stiff paper. Draw a circle and cut it out (we used an espresso cup).
3. Time for the shield design, which is the most enjoyable part of the job! You will certainly need fineliners and markers, decorative adhesive tapes and colored papers. What if the watch was showing what we currently need (what is the time)? What if the watch told us to slow down instead of rush? What if you could move it freely back and forth? Or maybe it would always show the same time? Hmmm ... there must be some magical story behind this ... who knows?
Or maybe it's a great time to talk about what a day is and what does it mean that it has 24 hours? You know best how you want to use this time! Glue the finished shields to the bands. We used hot glue (one drop is enough).
Not wanting to take up any more of your time, we wish you a lot of fun! We will be grateful if you share the results of your work with us by tagging us on Instagram @koko_cardboards.
See you next time!